How to cycle fu****g far

The photos are from equator, the center of the earth. I had cycled a good distance from Norway when these pictures were taken and I often dived into a bag I had brought with me. In that bag I had my lessons about motivation.

That was some years ago and I am writing now, and I am typing about:

The lesson that motivation is an art and a profession. It is a craft that must be studied, learned, interpreted and not least personified.

The fact that you probably have a different «motivation profile» than mine, and that motivation must be treated individually.

The lesson about motivation that you shall not treat it like a feeling that comes, that creates raw energy and movement, but suddenly disappears like the famous dew in the morning sun. Motivation can be kept and stabilized.

The fact that motivation must be built with the same profession as an engineer builds bridges. Just as precisely, with insight into the building materials and with the aim that the construction should withstand weather, wind and the weight of a few tonnes of trucks.

The understanding that motivation is attacked from both unknown and known areas. The attacks come from external sources and internal sources (including your own brain. You have to build up protection, a plan and a strategy.

The fact that you should place some of your motivations with the right teammates. Some motivations require a certain type of team and other motivations require other types of players.

The understanding that there are many categories for motivations. Some motivations are for body, health, exercise and activity. Other motivations are for work, career and money.

As I started typing; motivation is an art and a profession, and I am now working with the pages in the book to explain the points above.

I hope you continue to follow along.

Bjørn Heidenstrøm

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